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Box Tops for Education

There are four ways to earn money through the Box Tops for Education program:

Box Tops

Found on hundreds of products throughout the store.  Clip and save these!

See the complete list of participating products at:

Box Tops Bonus Certificates

Found on specially-marked packages and on printed receipts.

Clip and save these!

eBox Tops Codes

Printed on packages or on store receipts. Redeem these at

Bonus Box Tops

Electronic bonuses found on grocer websites and at These are automatically credited to our school.


Here’s how you can help JV Washam:

  1. Keep your eye out for any Box Tops, Bonus Certificates, and eBox Tops Codes on the products you buy and on your store receipts.

  2. Clip and save all Box Tops and Bonus Certificates.  Send them in to school BEFORE their expiration date! (see instructions below)

  3. Redeem eBox Tops Codes at

  4. Visit and take advantage of bonus opportunities at grocer websites and through your grocer loyalty cards.

Instructions for sending Box Tops and Bonus Certificates in to school:

1. Make sure your box tops are valid! Box Tops must include a complete product code (upper left corner), and a complete (non-expired) expiration date (bottom).

2. Put items into a sealed envelope or zip-top bag.  Include your child’s name and teacher’s name in order to take part in our yearly contests.

3. Place the bag or envelope into the School Rewards collection bin found in the main hallway outside the Parent       Center (just past the Front Office).

4. You may combine Box Tops and Labels for Education in the same bag.


We must mail in all Box Tops and Bonus Certificates.  In order to decrease the weight, and thus the cost of the shipment, your School Rewards committee works very hard to clip any extra material from your box tops.  While this is absolutely not necessary, you could help by clipping your box tops along the dotted lines before sending them in.


We have been earning an average of over $1,500 per year from this program.


Visit for more information.

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