J. V. Washam Elementary School is a CMS public elementary school located in Cornelius, NC with approximately 1,050 students. Washam PTO, with help from our generous community supporters, is able to fund math, literacy, and science needs for the school including our media center and garden projects, teacher workshops, technology, classroom furnishings, supplies and so much more.
This year our goal is to:
Make giving easy and fun!
Provide options to determine how you want to support the school financially.
Continue to build funds to strengthen student use of reading and technology throughout the school.
Sponsorship Options
Monetary Donations - Leveled options to best fit your business profile
○ See the chart on the following page for details
Sponsor a grade level or special area
○ Create a personalized learning environment
Donate to our J. V. Washam silent auction
○ Your business name and donation will be featured in our eNewsletter before or after the event.
Sponsor an event - Leveled options to best fit your business
○ Contact the PTO about specific events open for sponsors.
Specific Purchases - For out of the box thinking and specific needs
Sponsor Levels

How can you make a difference?
Please contact the PTO at jvwasham.pto@gmail.com
You may also contact either of the Co-VP's of fundraising directly.
● Cristy Culpepper cristyculpepper@gmail.com
● Krissy Lenkaitis krissylenk@gmail.com
Checks should be made payable to J. V. Washam PTO.
Please mail or deliver to the school, ℅ J. V. Washam PTO
J.V. Washam PTO
9611 Westmoreland Rd
Cornelius, NC 28031